RVNL Share Price Target: Rail Vikas Nigam limited RVNL has a market cap of 716.20 billion. The company is responsible for infrastructure and transportation renovation and building for Indian railways and working with the Ministry of railways. Apart from railway infrastructure facilities, the company is also offering share investment facilities where individuals can purchase company shares and make a good profit from RVNL Share.
If you are also preparing to invest your savings in Rail Vikas Nigam Limited then you can change this article when we will share with you a detailed overview of the company including RVNL share price for 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2030 to 2050. It will help you to understand the market trend, future of rvnl share and make a decision accordingly.
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited Company Overview
Rail Vikas Nigam limited is a Public listed company which was started in 2003. The company is selling 27.16% shares of the company to the public where any individual can deal in their shares. Currently the share price of RVNL is closed with 371.70 rupees on 23 February 2025. They have recorded 13.05 (-3.42 %) decrease in the share price for today.
The company is working on construction and civil construction projects for Indian Railways, and recently got 2 new projects worth 710.36 crore from Southern Railways. The company have a huge list of investors who are continuously investing their savings in RVNL shares and looking for the prediction of upcoming years between 2025 and 205. 0 You can check the following overview of the company before looking for the year-wise share targets of the company. It will help you to understand the potential of the company.
Company Overview | Value |
Market Cap | ₹ 77,500 Cr. |
3Y PAT Growth (CAGR) | 16.66 |
3Y Sales Growth (CAGR) | 12.65 |
Return On Net Worth (%) | 18.00 |
Dividend Yield (%) | 0.56 |
Promoter Holding (%) | 72.84 |
Cash (INR Mln.) | 11,040.50 |
Debt (INR Mln.) | 59,877.60 |
Book Value | 38.35 |
52 week maximum price | Rs. 647 |
52 weeks minimum price | Rs. 213.05 |
RVNL share price target 2025
The prediction of the share price target is based on multiple factors, including the revenue of the company, and returns. As per the current data, the company is seen to create a total revenue of Rs. 4,590.75 Cr. by December 2024. If they follow the same progress, then the average share price of RVNL in 2025 can fall between 700 to 835Rss.
RVNL share price Target 2026
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited recently get 2 projects from Southern Railway worth 156.36 crore and 554 crore rupees. The company is targeting to complete the project within next 18 months. So investors who are investing their savings in RVNL shares may get good returns in 2026 which is ranging between 850 rs to Rs 983 per share.
RVNL Share Price Target 2026 | Share Price |
Minimum share price | Rs 850 |
Maximum share price | Rs 982 |
RVNL Share price target 2027
The price earning ratio of the company is 59.57, which is higher than that of its competitors in the same sector. Currently the company have an 8.82 P/B rating, which is showing that the company have more potential than its book value. So in upcoming years the company will give good returns to their investors accordingly.
RVNL Share Price Target 2027 | Share Price |
Minimum share price | Rs 1022 |
Maximum share price | Rs 1069 |
RVNL share price target 2030
2030 is very important for Indian investors as it will revise the financial budget with the new Central government in India. It will impact the overall potential of the share market in India, which can go high or low according to the scenario. But the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited is working with a long-term goal and has a clear contract with the Ministry of Railways to manage their manufacturing. Currently the company have a market cap of 77,500 crore rupees, which is expected to increase up to 77,600+ crore rupees in 2030, which will give a good return to their long-term investors.
Also Read the IRFC Share Price Target in this blog: IRFC Share Price Target 2025, 2030 to 2050: Comprehensive Analysis and Future Predictions
RVNL Share Price Target 2030 | Share Price |
Minimum share price | Rs 1235 |
Maximum share price | Rs 1400 |
RVNL Share price target 2035
The long term investment is a good choice for those who are saving their monthly income for their retirement life. Since the data of the rail Vikas Nigam Limited is variable and Changing according to the investment and projects of the company on weekly basis.
However, experts are suggesting to invest in these variable stocks for a short term to minimise your loss, but RailVikas Nigam Limited is a Central government sponsored company and regularly gets contracts from the government, so it is one of the specialised companies where you can invest with a long term goal. However, it was listed in the stock market after 20, and has Incredible Growth in the last 6 years with 20,755,098 shares volume. 20-Day Avg Volume of RVNL is 20,060,448 shares.
RVNL Share Price Target 2035 | Share Price |
Minimum share price | Rs 1850 |
Maximum share price | Rs 2009 |
RVNL Share price target 2040
The upcoming share price targets of companies are evaluated according to the performance of the company in previous years and the potential of the business in upcoming years. The data of 52 weeks shows that the share opened with 264 rupees in 23 February 2024 and closed with 371 on 21 February 2025.
In this data we can see that The price of the share in last 52 weeks were between 213 to 647, where the price go down on 14 March with minimum value of 213.05 and investors see a hike in the price on 15 July 2024 with 647.
As per the trend, we can see that the company is not only decreasing the price but also giving a hike in the share price. So it is important to keep an eye on worldwide events, which are affecting RVNL, and you can make your deal accordingly. If you are looking for a long-term investment in rail, Vikas Nigam Limite, then you can check the following table for the expected share price target for 2040:
RVNL Share Price Target 2040 | Share Price |
Minimum share price | Rs 2640 |
Maximum share price | Rs 2810 |
RVNL Share price target 2045
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited made a good trading volume in the past years. 1,66,86,743.19 lakhs shares traded in February alone. Traded Value of ₹9.02 billion suggests substantial liquidity and market interest. If we analyse the performance of the company from the beginning of 2025, then we can see 451 million shares were traded in this period and the total trade value for this duration is ₹18.19 billion. Since the company is continuously getting new investors as well as projects from the government, there is a long-term disability in the company and its workings.
If you are planning to invest in the company for the next 2045, then you can expect the following price target accordingly:
RVNL Share Price Target 2045 | Share Price |
Minimum share price | Rs 3020 |
Maximum share price | Rs 3105 |
RVNL Share Price Target 2050
RVNL Share Price Target 2050 | Share Price |
Minimum share price | Rs 6000 |
Maximum share price | Rs 6220 |
RVNL Share price target from 2025 to 2050
Investors of Rof Raillkas Nigam Limited can change the expected share price target from 2025 to 2050 in the following table, which will help them to understand the comprehensive overview of the share price and can invest their savings accordingly.
Year | Minimum Share Price (INR) | Maximum Share Price (INR) |
2026 | 850 | 982 |
2027 | 1022 | 1069 |
2030 | 1235 | 1400 |
2035 | 1850 | 2009 |
2040 | 2640 | 2810 |
2045 | 3020 | 3105 |
2050 | 6000 | 6220 |
The shareholding patterns of RVNL
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited have divided shares into two categories including shares for promoter and Promoter groups and shares for public. Currently the company is holding 72.84% of the share in 2025 where the public are the normal investors are investing in rest 27.16% shares in RVNL You can check the following chart to understand the shareholding patterns of the company.
Technical analysis of RVNL share price
- Price Range and Volatility: We have already discussed that the company recorded Volatile share prices in last 52 weeks where they recorded minimum share price of ₹213 and Maximum share price of ₹647 Between February to July 2024. After that the recorded a decreased close of average 370 Rs. So the price range of the shares are Volatile which are indicating a risk investing in RVNL for a long time.
- Strong liquidity and trading volume: Company have a strong trading value with a monthly volume of 2,731.03 lakh in only February 2025 and made 4,513.56 lakh in only 2 months from the beginning 2025. Apart from this the reports are showing date the trade volume of the company for last 52 weeks is 48,041.84 lakh rupees. So it is a good indication for investors who are continuously investing their payment for a short term period in the company.
- Valuation ratio of the company: The valuation ratio of the company is suggesting that RVNL is making a good profit from past years as TTM EPS is ₹6.24. Although it is declining by about 10% every year, but even after this, investors are giving a P/E of 59.57. So this scenario is increasing the overall valuation of the company. Apart from this, the P/B Ratio of the company is 8.82, indicating that the market price of the company is 9 times bigger than its book value of Rs 42.17 per share.
- Additionally, the P/B ratio of 8.82 implies that the market price is nearly nine times the book value of ₹42.17 per share, further reinforcing concerns that the stock is expensive relative to its net assets, unless there is strong expected growth to justify these multiples.
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In conclusion, we can see the overall overview of the company, where Rail Vikas Nigam Limited is offering an average return to the investors if they continuously observe the market Trends of the company. So if you are looking to invest for a long term,, then it may be difficult for you to analyse the data of the company as the price rates of the ccompany can fluctuate over a short term, Now every investors who are looking for a short term investment in RVNL can oobserve the company’sTrends and invest their savings in the company’s share and sell them once they make more than the investment.
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